

空气侠+ 空气侠 2023-08-23



空气侠工作区域基本覆盖中国主要的大气污染地区,先后开展"华北地区(京津冀) 钢铁行业调查",“雾炮车干扰监测数据调查”,“长江经济带大气调查”和“汾渭家乡蓝守护行动”(代表案例临汾二氧化硫破千第三方调查),是中国本土在大气环境调研和推动治理领域最为活跃的机构之一。

空气侠的工作手法,从最初的“自测空气”和“12369 举报”,到倡导“约会环保局”和开启“第三方环保督察”,再到“无人机+可视化检测”和开展环境风险防控培训,参与“绿色工厂共建”,累计撬动环保投资 15 亿+,推动 500+企业实现达标排放或整改到位,成为打赢蓝天保卫战的重要推动力量!



Airman,registeredas Xi’an Airman Environment Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. Established in 2014, Airman is specialized in quick response on air pollution and multilateral governess to protect the blue sky of mainland China. We have two full time and five part time staff focusing on the protection of blue sky of Fenhe River– Weihe River Plains.  


Airman has already become one of the most active environmental protection organizations in China’s air pollution research and promotion of governance with its work area covering China’s major air pollution areas from the initial North China region (Beijing- Tianjin- Hebei)steel industry to “Diesel Exhaust GasInvestigation”, “Fog Artillery Interference Monitoring Data”, “Yangtze Economic

Belt Air Survey” and the “Blue Sky Defense War of Fen-Wei Plains”(Case study: Third-party investigation of “sulfur dioxide pollution exceeding 1000 micrograms per cubic meter in Linfen”) . 


Meanwhile, Airman’s work methodology has been improved from the first “Self-test Air” and “Report to hotline 12369”, to the advocacy of “Date with Environmental Protection Bureau” and the opening of “Environment Monitoring from the Third Party” to “Unmanned Aircraft + Visual Inspection Technology” and the participation of “Collaboration on Green Factories”. Airman has played an important role in winning the battle of “Blue Sky Defense War” by promoting a total of over RMB 1.5 billion investment in environmental protection and pushing more than 500 enterprises to achieve standard pollution reduction or rectification in place.

英文部分致谢 韵琳,朱清,伦敦志愿者苗苗等翻译校对)




